Friday, June 19, 2009

Go jump in a lake!

Day 13, Friday
Campbellsville, Kentucky
Hot and sunny!
This post by: Craig

Sleeping in is for the WEAK! Sadly, we were weak. We missed most of breakfast, but because we were headed for a day at the lake, there was no time to lose (but there was a little time for more cornhole)!

After scamming a ride in Tommy’s Mustang convertible,

…we hit the lake. Now, we thought this was going to be a lakeside picnic day, but no – the Chakos family had hired 4 boats, and we spent the whole day actually ON (and in) the lake! It was fully awesome!

There was JUMPIN'...

… there was BOMBIN’...

... there was SLIDIN’...

... there was GOOFIN’...

... there was SPEEDIN’...

...and there was TOOBIN’!!!

"That was the most violent
butt-massage I've ever had"

-- Diane Chakos

Jordan attempts to, "DO SUMTHIN' CRAZY!"

Overall, it was the best day ever, and we'd like to thank everyone involved for organising it! Oh yes!

Viva la FamFest '09!

And oh yeah… there was SUNBURNIN’

And then, with the echoes of the Chakos boys still ringing in our ears (“DOO SUHH-UMM CRAZEEE! DOO SUHH-UMM CRAZEE!”), night fell. After another awesome meal, courtesy of Georgia and the gang, and a slideshow of the day’s photos, and Crystal singing “I’m too sexy for my hair… I’m too sexy for my glutes… I’m too sexy for my warm-down…” to the WHOLE ROOM…

…we got to experience the strange night life that is Campbellsville… the nightlife that happens when you’re in a dry county. You think people get crazy when they drink, check out what they do when they don’t!

First up, CRUISING. Cars gather from all over the county and drive a particular circuit around the main town, following each other like some kind of Love Train, without the love. Note that these are all single-lane roads, so there’s not even a chance to sidle up beside another car and strike a conversation, just drive, turn, drive, stop, drive, turn, repeat…

Then there’s LOITERING. Along the cruising circuit, people gather in small packs, usually around someone’s pickup truck. The sites are not significant… outside a closed pharmacy, behind a supermarket… and people just kinda sit around. There’s no drinking (you can have your whole group arrested by having a single open beer bottle), so there’s just… loitering…

To relieve the weirdness of the CRUISING and the LOITERING, there’s also LAPPING, which is getting out of the car at red lights and running around like mad things before jumping back in the car when the lights go green (although I suspect this might be an activity unique to Barbra, Crystal, Kristina and Alena).

So anyway, with the absence of bars and clubs, the people do what anyone would do under these circumstances. They go hang out at the 24 hour Wal-Mart at 2 in the morning. Yes, WAL-MART.

There was talk of grabbing small tricycles and racing them through the aisles until being kicked out (cousin Jordan has allegedly done this!) but we only got as far as throwing balls around and having shopping cart fun before Security started descending.

Gene picks up a bargain, Aisle 4

So we eased it back a little, to stave off being arrested. Wal-Mart in Campbellsville. “I’m sorry, you can’t buy booze. Would you like to buy a handgun?”

Reservoir Dorks

We bought some fireworks...

... 2 full boxes of Silly String...

... put the safety vests back...

... and said goodnight to Zac and SpongeBob...

... and went home to sleep. Now THAT was a big day!

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Oh you soooo captured the life here in Campbellsville! God that was such a fun weekend!