Monday, May 19, 2008


Written by: Crystal

I'm really enjoying the morning commute at the moment... it's getting chilly, but not freezing, and I catch glimpses of the pink morning sky on the way.

Then there's the sights:
  • the older couple out for their morning exercise, who awkwardly-yet actively-stretch their calves while waiting to cross the train tracks
  • the guy from the cafe who I've struck up a "good morning, how are you?" ritual with... it took me several mornings of replying with "good thanks, how are you?" using different intonations before I realised his English was limited, and this was why he did not reply.
  • and this, my favourite piece of graffiti:

It's really quite well thought out... or maybe just drug-induced stream of consciousness.
In any case it remains my fave.