Thursday, May 22, 2008

Baptism of Ice

Written by: Crystal

Really chilly this morning–4 degrees–feels like the warmish-weather honeymoon is really over, and we're most definitely heading for winter.

Kudos to Craig, who, in fine carbon-conscious form, braved the freezing cold to hang out the washing. Respect (I was about to put it all into the dryer).

On my walk to the station I noticed it was also quite foggy. It was good to see this didn't stop the two older exercisers, who attacked the crisp conditions with some short, jerky kicks while waiting at the train crossing–a change from their usual routine but seemingly more appropriate for the conditions–in fact, with their hoodys up, they could almost have been mistaken (from behind) for a couple of younger hip-hop aspirants. Word.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Written by: Crystal

I'm really enjoying the morning commute at the moment... it's getting chilly, but not freezing, and I catch glimpses of the pink morning sky on the way.

Then there's the sights:
  • the older couple out for their morning exercise, who awkwardly-yet actively-stretch their calves while waiting to cross the train tracks
  • the guy from the cafe who I've struck up a "good morning, how are you?" ritual with... it took me several mornings of replying with "good thanks, how are you?" using different intonations before I realised his English was limited, and this was why he did not reply.
  • and this, my favourite piece of graffiti:

It's really quite well thought out... or maybe just drug-induced stream of consciousness.
In any case it remains my fave.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Packing the tent up in the freezing cold AM, at Yass

So, here we are, we made it! Melbs. Bocco. Yes.

We've settled in to our new place in Box Hill (we call it 'Bocco', not sure if anyone else does though), and as of tonight, we've both got jobs! I've been temping for the past week and a half, and Craig is about to start a new contract tomorrow (which is a blessing, because the daytime TV was making Craig go something-something) :)

So yes, just a quick post to announce our arrival back on the blogosphere.

Much more, soon!!