Written by: Crystal
Really chilly this morning–4 degrees–feels like the warmish-weather honeymoon is really over, and we're most definitely heading for winter.
Kudos to Craig, who, in fine carbon-conscious form, braved the freezing cold to hang out the washing. Respect (I was about to put it all into the dryer).
On my walk to the station I noticed it was also quite foggy. It was good to see this didn't stop the two older exercisers, who attacked the crisp conditions with some short, jerky kicks while waiting at the train crossing–a change from their usual routine but seemingly more appropriate for the conditions–in fact, with their hoodys up, they could almost have been mistaken (from behind) for a couple of younger hip-hop aspirants. Word.
San Diego Sadness - Final Days
So once again I find myself playing catch-up updating you all on my
whereabouts over the past 3 days – Barbra has once again kept me
entertained showing...
15 years ago