Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Cripes, the new blog's been up for ages and I haven't been adding to it at all! Okay, here I am. Craig here. Let's see what's been happening...

I got a job! Working a contract for Krome Studios. Designing games and all for a secret project (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CRYSTAL, IT'S SECRET!!!) I'll be there a little longer, the contract has been extended. The weird part? It's the same building I used to work in years ago. Beam became Infogrames became Atari became Krome, so it's REALLY WEIRD working back there again. Only the tshirts have changed.

Hey, here are some HIGHLY MATURE signs that I've noticed on my walk between Flinders Street Station and work near Albert Park Lake.

In other news, I bought a Mac. Hoorah! And I only found out yesterday (thanks, Callaghan!) that the laptop has a motion sensor. Which means that someone has made a REALLY STUPID lightsaber program that makes lightsaber battle sounds when I swing my computer around wildly! This might be my last blogpost... I might have to ask Crystal to post pictures of me, weeping over my shattered laptop. But not yet! MWOW... MWOW... PSHH... PSHH...!!!

Craig OUT!

Monday, June 9, 2008

1500 new pets, winter onset & a quick trip north

Blogging without the aid of exotic locations proves difficult!

But we persevere.

Craig finally accepting his admin/author invitation for this blog does take the pressure off me somewhat, although at this stage it isn't clear when he'll be finished tinkering around with the settings on his new Macbook–I'll leave it to him to fill you in on the various joys of crossing the pooter floor.

So, what's been happening in our world?

We got ourselves some pets! 1500 in fact. In line with our environmental wankiness, we bought ourselves a worm farm. Our local council actively encourages composting around the home by offering discount vouchers for worm farms and other composting systems. So we're now the proud custodians of a bunch of little critters who happily eat our food scraps (that don't make it to the stock bag) and coffee grounds.

The first 500 go in!

We made a very brief trip to Brisbane last weekend for our friends Lorien & Nathan's wedding. Good times:

You can see more photos of the day here.

We also managed to squeeze in a quick lunch with the fam and a brief visit to Jane's to meet her sister and new nephew, Noah.

And while we were away, winter began here in Melbourne. It's getting progressively colder and greyer, and we're both realising that these sunny early winter days we've been lucky to have will soon be distant memories... eep! We've both had to start sleeping in flannelette pyjamas (sometimes with singlets underneath), and I've discovered that my Brisbane outerwear makes great Melbourne underclothes... brr!

Not much rain yet though, although we have managed to wreck three umbrellas during the last few rain periods. This frustrated Craig to the point where he bought us a couple of Knirps umbrellas:
Sex sells umbrellas too.

Yet to test these spiffy umbrellas, but no doubt you'll hear when we do :)